Collection: Thanksgiving

Celebrate Thanksgiving with a mouthwatering array of products from Baker's Authority, designed to make your holiday feast as scrumptious as it is memorable. 

98 results

From our famous ready-to-bake pie crusts to gourmet stuffing mixes, and from specialized baking supplies to dessert decorations, we offer a comprehensive selection to take your Thanksgiving dinner to the next level. Imagine a golden turkey perfectly seasoned with our aromatic brine kits, surrounded by fluffy rolls, delectable side dishes, and pies boasting flavors that'll make Grandma proud. Don’t forget our seasonal offerings, such as pumpkin spice extracts and autumnal cookie cutters, that capture the essence of the holiday and add that special touch to your Thanksgiving treats. Whether you are a seasoned home cook or a beginner eager to impress, Baker’s Authority has something for everyone. Choose from our wide variety of high-quality, responsibly-sourced ingredients and chef-approved tools to make this Thanksgiving not just a meal, but a culinary masterpiece. With Baker’s Authority by your side, you’re not just cooking—you’re creating traditions.

Showing 1-24 of 98

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the most popular Thanksgiving bakery products recommended by Baker's Authority?

    • At Baker's Authority, we've observed a surge in demand for traditional favorites like pumpkin pies, pecan pies, and dinner rolls. Additionally, cranberry bread and apple tarts are gaining popularity among our clientele.
  • Do you offer bulk discounts for large Thanksgiving orders?

    • Absolutely! We understand the pressure of the Thanksgiving rush. For large orders, please get in touch with our sales team to discuss special pricing and offers.
  • What ingredients do you recommend for gluten-free or vegan Thanksgiving baked goods?

    • We pride ourselves on our wide range of gluten-free flours and vegan substitutes like egg replacers and dairy-free creams. Our experts are always on hand to advise on the best ingredients for specific dietary needs.
  • What's the shelf life of your ingredients? How can I ensure they remain fresh until Thanksgiving?

    • The shelf life varies by product. We suggest storing them in a cool, dry place and following storage guidelines provided on the packaging to maintain freshness.
  • Do you have any eco-friendly or sustainable packaging options for Thanksgiving?

    • Absolutely! We're committed to sustainability. We offer a variety of biodegradable and eco-friendly packaging options perfect for the Thanksgiving season.